Fan-assisted Dispersion for Adiatec® High-Pressure System

Fan-assisted Dispersion for Adiatec® High-Pressure System

Fan-assisted Dispersion for Adiatec® High-Pressure System

Fan-assisted Dispersion for Adiatec® High-Pressure System

There are new options for dispersion available with the Adiatec high-pressure system. We now offer high-pressure fan-assisted dispersion units in addition to the current nozzle and manifold systems. These fan-assisted dispersion options are designed to atomize water while increasing air movement for cooling or humidification applications.

There are three new fan-assisted dispersion models for high-pressure: Models FA-2, FA-3, and FA-4.

  • Model FA-2 is designed for low ceiling heights.
  • Models FA-3 and FA-4 are designed to pull air from above the fan (typically the hottest air), which promotes better absorption, and throws moisture horizontally.
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