Air Purifier

Air Purifiers

Effective Air Cleaners for Offices – Medical Practices-Commercial Premises -Homes Our range of state of the art air purifiers: filters bacteria, pollutants odours, COVID-19, COVID-19 DELTA variant and other viruses Easy operation – monitoring and control via app.

Heylo air cleaner hl 400 plus

Heylo effective air cleaner hl 400 plus

HL 400 PLUS is supplied with different filters for different applications: HEPA H14 filter against bacteria and viruses (also against: COVID-19, DEL-TA variant and all other variants), EPA E10 filter against dust and Activated Carbon filter against unpleasant smells.

Heylo effective air cleaner with epa e11 and hepa h14 virus filters

HL 800 PLUS is supplied with different filters for different applications: HEPA H14 filter against
bacteria and viruses (also against: COVID-19, DELTA variant and all other variants), EPA E11 filter against dust and Activated Carbon filter against unpleasant smells.

Heylo air cleaner with epa e11 and hepa h14 virus filters
Athmoss germividal air purifier

Athmoss germividal air purifier

ATHMOSS germicidal air purifier cleans the air by eliminating unwanted microorganisms and disinfects it.

The operation is UV-C radiation-based. This radiation damages the DNA of viruses and microbes that causes their complete destruction. High reflectiveness and deceleration of air in MICROWELL disinfection chamber leads to longer stay of viruses in this area, which increases their UV-C exposition. This way ATHMOSS provides a very efficient air cleaning.

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ATHMOSS germicidal air purifier cleans the air by eliminating unwanted microorganisms and disinfects it.

The operation is UV-C radiation-based. This radiation damages the DNA of viruses and microbes that causes their complete destruction. High reflectiveness and deceleration of air in MICROWELL disinfection chamber leads to a longer stay of viruses in this area, which increases their UV-C exposition.

The Industry germicidal air purifier can be safely used wherever a larger group of people gather indoors. banks, post offices Waiting rooms, ambulances, pharmacies, retirement homes, schools and nursery schools, fitness centres closed sports centres, culture centres, event centres, shopping centres and Public catering.

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