Health Care

Humidification Improves Indoor Air Quality

Bacteria and viruses thrive in dry air. A too-dry room can cause that scratchy sore throat to last for days. Keeping RH levels within a range of 40 to 60 percent not only decreases bacteria and viruses in the air, but hinders the development of fungi, mites, chemical interactions, and ozone production. The result is reduced occurrences of allergic rhinitis, respiratory infections, and asthma among building occupants.

In addition, humidified spaces feel warmer and are more comfortable for occupants, especially in cold climates where heating systems run frequently.

Improves Indoor Air Quality

DriSteem makes it easy to design a humidification system that is just right for your application. These easy to use calculators and selection tools will help you get there quickly and easily.



makes it easy to specify and select DriSteem equipment. You can access your projects online anywhere, any time. You can go step-by-step through the sizing and selection process, or enter items in a nonlinear order.

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allows you to make a quick calculation of the humidification load for your application.

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shows the energy cost comparison of using electricity vs gas. If you are in Europe, please use our Energy Calculator for Europe. Steam valve and strainer calculator:

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