Fabric Ducting Range

Fabric Ducting Range

Textile ducting range

ATC textile ducting is a technology for refrigerating, air-conditioning, refreshing, ventilating or heating an atmosphere or even transporting treated air. It can be used in all types of application: industry, public buildings, very high buildings, food-processing plants, logistics buildings, tertiary activities and more.




  • Height of premises

  • Aesthetic constraints & Diffusers’ shapes and sections

  • Supply and installation costs

  • Available position & Congestion when ventilation stops


Fabric Ducting Range


Textile ducting is a technology for refrigerating, air-conditioning, refreshing, ventilating or heating an atmosphere or even transporting treated air. It can be used in all types of application: industry, public buildings, very high buildings, food-processing plants, logistics buildings, tertiary activities and more.

From an installation point of view

Textile ducts are light, resistant products with few restrictions.
Textile ducts are designed to be easily removable.
They can be adapted to the constraints found on all types of premises: They can be in any shape and be adapted to all types of air treatment. They are products that are upgradeable and modular over time.


In the case of textile diffusers AIRNÉO of RADIANT type, air discharge is exclusively through porous material strips in judicious places and dimensions in order to create the desired charge loss and let through the desired airflow. This diffusion brings about optimum user comfort, almost immediately next to the duct, thanks to low discharge speeds around 0.2 to 1 m/s. Thus, the movements in the mass of discharged air are mainly due to differences in temperature between the various masses of air concerned.


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Better air quality

Thanks to the porous character of the textiles used, the diffusion ducts of RADIANT type, besides their diffusion function, give a particularly interesting terminal filtration. This guarantees an effective protection for products and staff, when textile diffusers are used in environments sensitive to hygiene such as the food and pharmaceuticals industries. The use of textile diffusers of RADIANT type requires nevertheless an effective filtration upstream (filters G4, F7…), which allows:

  • to avoid clogging too quickly and therefore having to clean too often.
  • to limit the growth and proliferation of micro-organisms.
  • to maintain the original operation point (ratio flow /pressure) which guarantees the aeraulics result.

Better working conditions

When premises have low ceilings (from 2 to 4 m approx.), the duct allows to avoid any sensations of draughts brought about by the blowing system (low residual speed).

Better process conditions

Ideal when products require a perfectly homogeneous atmosphere and low residual speeds. For instance, in rooms with need for dust control, metrological rooms, laboratories…

Better hygiene

The AIRNÉO duct of RADIANT type is entirely washable (machine wash), ensuring perfect hygiene.

A healthy life is inextricably linked to what we breathe. Air is the first and most important nourishment for all life forms. On average, a person breathes more than 12,000 litres of air per day.

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