
The importance Of A Good Nights Sleep
Jan 5, 2023

The importance Of A Good Nights Sleep

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At Dehum Pty Ltd we understand the importance of a good night’s sleep for overall health and well-being. That’s why we want to share with you the ways in which the indoor climate of your bedroom can affect the quality of your sleep.

We spend about one-third of our lives sleeping, and good quality sleep is essential for the body to recover and restore energy for daily functions. Sleep quality can be defined as an individual’s satisfaction with all aspects of the sleep experience, including the number of hours slept, duration of actual sleep, time it takes to fall asleep, and time spent awake after being fully awakened. On average, adults need 7-8 hours of sleep per night.

Poor sleep quality can lead to daytime dysfunction, slow responsiveness, and irritability or impatience. Chronic sleep deficiency can even affect brain function and increase the risk of health conditions like diabetes, obesity, kidney disease, and stroke.

The environment in which we sleep plays a big role in the quality of our sleep. There are several factors to consider when creating a good indoor environment in a bedroom, including temperature, humidity level, airflow, and pollution.

First, it’s important to make sure the temperature is comfortable. The recommended range for a bedroom is 19 to 21 degrees Celsius, but this can vary greatly among individuals. Women may prefer a room temperature up to 3 degrees Celsius warmer than men. Other factors to consider include the filling of duvets and pillows, quality of linen, and pyjama fabrics.

A draught-free sleep environment with comfortable humidity levels can also make a big difference in sleep quality. Airflow should be based on the activity in the room and the type of space being ventilated. The air supply and extraction should never cause unpleasant draughts. The human body and skin naturally emit moisture during sleep, so maintaining a humidity level of 40-60% can help avoid dry skin and nasal passages in the morning.

In addition to temperature and humidity, it’s important to keep indoor pollutants, like volatile organic compounds (VOC), at a low level. These pollutants can be emitted from objects and the building itself, such as technical equipment, paint, furniture, and textiles. To improve the indoor climate of your bedroom, consider keeping computers and other electronics in a separate room and using non-chemical air fresheners.

At Dehum PTY LTD, we want to help you understand the impact of indoor climate on sleep, rest, and well-being. Call our team for more information on how a good indoor climate can lead to a healthy, alert, and productive tomorrow.